Match The Colors is yet another simplistic time waster. Use three sliders to increase or decrease the intensity of the primary colors (Red, Green, Blue). Try to match two colors as closely as possible.
There are three types of scoring: primary color accuracy, round score, and final score.
Primary color accuracy shows how accurately you guessed each of the primary colors. If you guess the color perfectly, you’ll score 100%. This score decreases the more inaccurate your guess is.
For example, if the answer for the red primary color was 203, but your guess was 167, you’ll score 64%, because your inaccuracy was 203 – 167 = 36, so 100 – 36 = 64%.
Round score shows how accurately your guess of the given color was in the specific round, or in other words, how well you guessed all three primary colors. Note that this score isn’t simply an average of primary color accuracy; you can be penalized or rewarded based on your guesses, which increases or decreases the score multiplier.
Final score is an average of all rounds’ scores.
Sure thing Lance Armstrong. Cheating in Match The Colors is super simple.
You’ll get 100% score every time.
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